10 Qualities That Make a Healthy Relationship

Some qualities are absolute necessities for making a healthy and long-lasting relationship. Otherwise, it is only a matter of time that things start to fall apart. The key is whether you can maintain those necessities diligently. Here are 10 qualities which act as the foundations maintaining a loving companionship:

1)   Friendship: A good friendship is a mirror of a strong relationship. This is because it shows that the couple share a deeper bond than just the romantic connection. With friendship they have a better foundation that is fulfilling on many levels.

2)   Trust: No relationship can survive long without trust. No matter how good things are, one person’s doubt is enough for the relationship to go downhill.

3)   Respect: Every healthy relationship should be built upon mutual respect. Partners need to recognize each other as equals and be open to their thoughts, beliefs, concerns and needs.

4)   Affection: As we all know, the honeymoon phase of every new relationship fades overtime. But this does not mean that affection should be completely forgotten. Simple verbal and physical reminders such as saying: “I love you” and giving warm hugs before leaving home and coming back from work could reinforce your loving connection.

5)   Teamwork: One of the most common mistakes couples make is forgetting that they are teammates. Your husband or wife is your partner in life and therefore your biggest support system. You will be much more successful by working with them and not against them.

6)   Honesty: The moment either of you starts hiding things from your partner, the relationship will start falling apart. Secrets can become dangerous and have a detrimental effect. There will be guilt for keeping things to yourself.

7)   Intimacy: Not just regular physical relationships. Intimacy is a deeper understanding of each other that is far more significant than just physical attraction.

8)   Playfulness: No matter how deep your connection with your partner is, there should always be some elements of humour and fun. Jokes which were once considered funny, should not become reasons of irritation. Try to keep things as light-hearted and playful as they once were.

9)   Support: Be each other’s biggest cheerleaders. Encourage your partner’s ambitions. Be excited about each other’s achievements and celebrate the little things. Be there for each other during the low days.

10)  Unconditional Love: Authentic love does not come with terms and conditions, so do not enforce it. No relationship would last if the couple does not share a meaningful love for each other. Mutual and well-rounded love towards each other would greatly benefit in maintaining a good relationship.  

Even the best marriages need hard work! If you think that you need to speak to an expert for guidance for a healthy and long-lasting relationship, then do not hesitate to reach out to the counselling experts at Aastha today.